Being more consistent with my writing on Twitter

I joined Ship30 in Jan, 22 and published 30 atomic essays – one every day. Post the program I struggled with the consistency in publishing.


The two biggest things that I have struggled with are –

1. “What should I write about?” 

2. “Why would people want to hear about this from me?”

Why is consistency important?

I think it’s pretty much unanimous advice that success online comes from consistency and I’ve tasted some of that with my bi-weekly newsletter on LinkedIn about Blockchain and Metaverse, where I have now close to 1000 subscribers

So here’s an attempt to being more consistent with writing and more consistent in posting on Twitter. And also on my blog and may be LinkedIn and Youtube.

My Plan

I would be publishing one post every day for the next 30 days on Twitter and hopefully continue that to 60, 90, 180 and beyond.

How am I coming around the two challenges I mentioned?

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1. “What should I write about?”

I love learning, especially reading books. I read 52 books in 2019. I will be combining my love for learning with my love for writing. 

So my daily posts will be about the summary of the chapter/book/blog/podcast that I read.

This would help me read more consistently and write more consistently without spending my mental bandwidth in making a decision everyday about what to write.

Take that load off of me.

It would also help me post more consistently to my blog or other channels. If I am reading a book, I’ll be publishing a chapter summary daily on Twitter, and when the book summary is complete I’ll publish it on my blog and may be on the Youtube channel as well.

2. “Why would people want to hear about this from me?”

Here I am being selfish and making this about me.. and not about the readers. I don’t care if they read it or not.. This is about me becoming a better writer and building new mental models. At least for now

So this is not an appeal to “Follow me for topics x, y, z”.

I assume if you have similar interests as me, you’ll find this content interesting and valuable.

If not then this is one of the millions of other Twitter accounts or blogs on the internet that you don’t follow.

So, wish me luck with the consistency. Here is to second attempts! Cheers 🍻 🍻

Manage your email overwhelm with these 3 free tools and 10 mins everyday

Struggle to get your Inbox under control?

I paid $200 for subscription because of the promise it had for helping tame my Inbox. Later I realized, you can’t control Email with one tool.

I now spend less than 10 mins each day on email.

You need 3 tools to fight your Inbox

Email Client

You could use Gmail but there are better email clients that can help you process the email faster.
I use Shortwave these days. It’s a free client and speeds up my email processing 10x compared to Gmail

To-Do Manager

A lot of your to-dos are generated from your email. I used to mark these as unread before and keep unread till I complete the action. Slowly the unread count gets unmanageable. Now I create To-dos and archive the email.
I use @RoamResearch for managing my to-dos

Read It Later Client

This is to capture the newsletter subscriptions that fill up your inbox. I use @getmatterapp as my Read It Later.
I forward any articles I want to read to my save.getmatter email and archive them.
This is for sure #1 improvement in my time spent on email

So in order to tame your email, stop depending on just your default Gmail interface and get these 3 free tools