Came across this great tweet from Dharmesh Shah, who has become a new hero for me ever since I heard him on the My First Million Pod.
This tweet pretty much summarizes the idea of “Growth Mindset”.. If you truly want to learn something.. It doesn’t really matter if you have a natural “gift” or “talent” for it..
In my opinion, what matters more is whether you have the curiosity/interest/passion around the idea.. If you have innate desire to learn a skill or maybe a strong enough how long it takes to get there.
What gets in the way of learning a skill is that you lose interest and want to go do something else.. So the talent isn’t the necessary criteria here, but whether you are ready to commit the time it takes..
Many a times, the desire to learn may die before you have learnt the skill. You lose interest, or find something else that is more interesting..

On second thoughts, you don’t even need an innate drive.. You just need a strong enough “Why”.. That why could come from with-in or with-out.. If your kid’s life depended on your learning the skill, you will keep going until you learn the skill. Doesn’t matter you have the talent or not..