Bangalore traffic can be killing.. You never know if it’s going to take you 15 mins or 1.5 hours. And it’s such a huge waste of productive time. Moreover, I got sick of all the Real Estate ads on the radio.
But recently driving has sort of become the 2nd best part of my day. Playing with Gungun being the best, of course. All thanks to the audiobooks. I used to listen to podcasts earlier, and recently started listening to audiobooks. Podcasts were also fun especially Stanford ETL, Freaknonimics, Tim Ferriss Show and others.
Now I have switched to Audiobooks. I had an Audible membership earlier and had downloaded couple of books including Lean Startup, Innovator’s Solution, Alchemist and more. Currently I have Delivering Happiness – by Tony Hsieh play and am almost close to finishing it. Thanks to Audiobooks I have finished more books in last 3 months than I have ever read in my life.

I also found out that Books 24×7, which is probably one of the most under-utilized company resources has tons of Audiobooks available. I had access to Books 24×7 for 7 years at IBM but never ever used it once. But now I am using it regularly. I finished Seth Godin’s Tribes and Purple Cow already and now onto Ziglar on Selling.
If you dread traffic as well, try using Audiobooks or Podcasts. I am you would wait to begin your commute everyday..